The Romsey Advertiser are reporting today on the termination of the bus routes that serve Lockerley, Awbridge and Wellow with Romsey.
The 39 (Wellow - Romsey) and 36 (Lockerley to Romsey via Awbridge) services will both stop on 31st March.
Both routes were 'social' routes, which meant that they were not viable without County Council subsidy. In each case, the subsidy paid, when set against the number of people traveling, showed the bus services to be some of the most expensive per trip. Indeed the 39 was the most expensive service in the county, with the per-trip cost being almost £50 (the total cost of the subsidy divided by the number of people traveling on each bus).
While accepting that neither of the bus routes was sustainable, it must also be remembered that for those who rely upon them, they are a vital lifeline, enabling residents to access Romsey for medical appointments and shopping.
I've therefore been working with the parish councils in Wellow and Awbridge to identify alternative transport for those who rely upon the routes. In Wellow Cllr Christopher Craig and in Awbridge, the Parish Council Chairman Grahame Jackson have done sterling work in arranging alternative transport for those who will be isolated once the bus services stop.
Wellow will see a service from Unity Dial A Ride put in place. In Awbridge, the Broughton village bus will offer a service into Romsey. Hopefully, in time and dependent of course upon interest and demand, these services might be expanded to offer a village bus service for the Blackwater parishes.
You can read the story in the Advertiser here:
Romsey bus service axed due to increased running costs | Hampshire Chronicle