I was reminded by a comment yesterday that I hadn't provided an update on how the South of Town Centre scheme is progressing for a while.
This is the masterplan to provide a new Crosfield Hall and redevelop the bus station, car park and Crosfield Hall site over the next few years.
Having agreed what we would like to do, there is inevitably a period during which technical work is done to check feasibility and test what might and might not work.
We had an update at a Romsey Future meeting last night.
The feasibility work for the new Crosfield Hall is well under way, there should be some ideas around that to show people late summer/early autumn. The preferred location remains the Rapids, but there are different locations within the site that may work.
The tender for a consultancy to do the feasibility and design work for the bus station/car park site closes next Friday (20th).
Similarly, we are hoping for that to be completed in the autumn in order that we can then look for a development partner to bring that part of the site forward.
Public realm improvement plans are also well underway, we are looking at improving the alley between Boots and Bradbeers and tidying up the recycling area (we looked at relocating it across to the Crosfield car park but that doesn't work very well and we would in any event only have to move it again).