***TVBC launches Cost of Living Support Hub***
The impact inflationary pressures are having on hard-pressed residents is something that's at the forefront of our minds at the moment - and although it’s incumbent on national government to offer more assistance to those that need it, TVBC's administration has been concentrating on what we can do locally.
So recently a special meeting of the Test Valley Partnership was held, jointly hosted by both the Conservative administration and Lib Dem opposition on the Council - it focused solely on the cost of living.
Working cross-party to help those who are struggling. The meeting provided a platform for partner organisations to discuss what we are all already doing, identify any gaps and determine what else we can do to assist.
We are currently working up an action plan to help people further but one of the first things we’ve done is create the Test Valley Cost of Living Support Hub. A dedicated page on the council’s website which gives advice on the help and support already available. Making sure people who are eligible are claiming everything to which they are entitled, links to local community pantries, advice on energy bills and much more.
The link to it is here