By Tim Mayer
TVBC has recently released the following statement about the Ganger Farm Sports Centre.
March has seen the internal fire safety remedial work at Ganger Farm Sports Park coming to completion with the external fire escape due to be delivered on-site and the installation starting 28th March. Staff from TVBC Property and Asset Management have been monitoring the progress inside the pavilion, while staff from TVBC Community and Leisure and Environmental Services have inspected the external elements and will be revisiting in the coming weeks.
Romsey Rugby Club has visited the site to look over what will become their new clubhouse. One outstanding item is the scrummage area, which will be a hireable space where rugby teams can use a scrummage machine for training and practice, this area is being redesigned to accommodate the staircase and is likely to be completed slightly after the rest of the site.
We are looking forward to these final elements being completed, allowing TVBC to be onsite to get the facility ready to be opened to the public. Recruitment for the new operations manager has now begun. As soon as we have firm handover dates, we can begin to construct a timeline for setting up and opening date