Given my stunning failure to predict a white Christmas I am not going to take up amateur meteorology in 2022, which I suspect will be my only New Year resolution.
I have spent this last week trying to get to my walking goal of 1000 miles in 2021, and clearly left myself too much to do in December, which has not been pleasant in the grey, wet and now windy weather. However, as a socially distanced activity there hasn’t been much better during the whole of 2021.
I know many in hospitality were relieved by the announcement this week that New Year’s Eve parties and events were good to go, without further restrictions. Although there have been issues with supply of lateral flow tests, I managed to get some at Wellow Pharmacy this week, and I have heard that postal deliveries have improved. But the lack of availability in the run up to Christmas will be top of my agenda of issues to raise (again) with Ministers when Parliament returns next week.
However, between now and then it is time to do the inevitable post-Christmas de-cluttering and recycling. Test Valley has got its Christmas tree collection centres up and running already, so make sure you dispose of yours at one of them, and have a happy and safe New Year.