By Cllr Nick Adams-King
**Pothole on Kimbridge Lane**
I've been asked by loads of people about the pothole on Kimbridge Lane, which is in a really tricky place just around the corner leading from the level crossing toward Dunbridge Lane and Awbridge.
The original barriers extended into the road, with no warning for those coming from the level crossing that they were around the corner. I asked Highways to move the barriers to one side and they have also reacted really quickly to my request to place more warning signs along the road.
It's a priority to be fixed but, bizarrely, we (HCC) need to obtain the permission of Network Rail to either put traffic lights there or close the road, whichever is needed to allow the repair.
Network rail are notoriously slow to respond and are being incredibly tardy at coming back to us, we are chasing, and as soon as they give their agreement the work will go ahead.
Really frustrating. Sorry.
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