**Lords Wood, Chilworth anti social behaviour issues**
I've been progressing action to address the problems of both motorbikes and other vehicles accessing Lords Wood through Chilworth Drove. The latter being used to dump at least two fly tips in recent months.
Yesterday, I walked the woods with our local manager from Hampshire Countryside Service to see if there was any additional action we could take.
Two positives, the first is that the police and Forestry England seem to have placed signs throughout the woods warning of their interest in the anti social activity. Not a deterrent in itself, but a sign of them taking the issue more seriously, thanks to Test Valley Cops for their help with this.
Secondly, and more importantly. We discussed ways by which we could stop vehicles accessing the permissive by way. The challenge is that it needs to remain open for carriages but can be blocked for motor vehicles. HCC have agreed to put in place a ‘coach barrier’ at the beginning of the byway where it leaves the lane to the kennels. Location pictured below. Essentially these are large posts over which a coach and horses could drive, but which would block the entry of the vast majority of motor vehicle. Won’t stop the motorbikes I’m afraid, but will stop any access by 4 wheel drives and vans.
I’ve agreed that I will discuss with Chilworth Parish Council at their September meeting to confirm this is the correct location and also check whether there are any other accesses to the woods where one might be needed. (On the County side).